El Paso

middle-age American living in New Jersey near the Lincoln Tunnel «« Dear kind craigslist job seekers: A trio of partners will support you in this job, me, Tom Doody in New Jersey, Vidya Sagar in Andhra Pradesh, and Adam, the boss, in Arizona. Adam will initially stay in the background. Zero qualifications are needed for this job. No background check will be conducted. Crude ability to text in Spanish or English is enough. Being able to take a phone call from a stranger will help, but is not required. A cell phone will help, but is not required. At no cost to you we will mail your initial supply of our postit note promo stickers. I have a video scripted for the kind people of El Paso, and your reply to this post will go to Vidya who will send you a link to the video. The only screening we will do is to make a modest effort to check your interest. It will piss me off if I make the postit notes for you, and we never hear from you again. Once I make the initial supply of postit notes, then any reply is better than no repy. For example, a text to say, “this is stupid I quit” is better than nothing. Your invitation to reply, or pass this to anyone including excons is open. Sincerely, Tom Doody »» about me 302-990-2346 contact us

About Tom Doody

middle-age American living in New Jersey near the Lincoln Tunnel
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